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All Rules in Traits of a Plane

+ An entry marked with this has additional sections within it.

Structural Traits

Source Planar Adventures pg. 60
The underlying rules of reality that govern how the denizens and landscape of a plane function are described by a plane’s structural traits. Regardless of the nature of a plane’s structural traits, all planes can be altered on a whim by a deity’s will to a certain extent; this ability to change reality is greatest within the boundaries of a deity’s planar realm. Demigods have a lesser ability to effect such change and are limited to changing only their own planar realms. See Divine Power for more details.

Lasting Structure

On a plane with this trait, objects remain where they are (and what they are) unless affected by physical force or magic. Anyone can change the immediate environment as a result of tangible effort.

Morphic Structure

A plane with morphic structure behaves similarly to a plane with a lasting structure, but its realities and physicality can be changed with ease even by nondivine beings. When a plane has morphic structure, additional details for how that manifests are provided in the entry.

Sentient Structure

These planes respond to a single entity’s thoughts—those of the plane itself. Travelers might find the plane’s landscape changing as a result of what the plane thinks of the travelers, becoming either more or less hospitable depending on its reaction. The influence of a deity or demigod can sometimes supersede the plane’s whims, but in most cases a sentient plane constantly works to erode and transform such unwanted intrusions into its structure.

Static Structure

Static planes are unchanging, or they reset once change occurs. Visitors cannot affect living residents of the plane or objects that the denizens carry in any lasting way. Spells that would affect the plane or its denizens have no effect unless the plane’s static trait is somehow removed or suppressed. Spells cast before entering a plane with the static trait remain in effect, however. Even moving an unattended object within a static plane requires a successful DC 16 Strength check. Particularly heavy objects may be impossible to move. Often, a plane with the static trait has a duration listed—this is the amount of time that any change can persist before the plane’s reality resets.